Sense of Community for Single Parents

On this month’s episode of the Family Scholar House PodCath, Cathe is chatting with Kelsie Orman. Kelsie is from the Family Scholar House Class of 2019, and a graduate of the University of Louisville with a degree in Psychology. Kelsie shares what her community experience was like, both for herself, but also for her 8-year-old son.
Listen or watch our chat together!
Kelsie heard about Family Scholar House at a time in her life when she was working several different jobs and living paycheck to paycheck. She didn’t know what she was going to do, had no plans, and no consistency. Once she got to Family Scholar House, she was overwhelmed with the amount of support she received.
“It was very exciting to hear about this and know that, okay, maybe one day down the line, I’m going to be able to go to sleep at night at the same time, wake up at the same time, have Jonathan on a schedule, you know, not have to worry about where I’m going to be getting diapers or where… the next gas fill-up’s going to be able to come from.” — Kelsie Orman
Kelsie talks about the sense of belonging that she felt with a built-in community of other single parents right next door. Kelsie and her son also regularly participated in community events, like the reverse trick-or-treating, and Kelsie gave tours to visitors and prospective program members through her role at the Speaker’s Bureau.
“I have hope for my future. I have hope for Jonathan’s future. Because I have gotten as far as I am, I know I’m going to be able to go wherever I want to in this life. And that is huge for me.” – Kelsie Orman
We are certainly very excited about Kelsie and her son’s future, and are proud to have them as part of the Family Scholar House family!
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Sense of Community for Single Parents
Published by Family Scholar House on March 25, 2021.
Last modified on August 10, 2022
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Sense of Community for Single Parents
Published by Family Scholar House on March 25, 2021.
Last modified on August 10, 2022