Houston, Texas Resources
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Displaying blog posts from the "FSH Stories" category.
In this busy holiday season, sometimes it’s hard to stop and take a moment to realize how blessed we are. Earlier this morning, a participant came to one of our pantries. As we were walking back to the pantry, she was telling me about her sons and what they are doing to prepare for Thanksgiving. After fiddling with the keys for quite a while to try to find the right one, I finally opened the door to a sight of shelves full of food.
I’m grateful because I get emails like this after an awesome experience job shadowing or after a speed mentoring event. I’m grateful because I get text messages after spending an hour in Linda’s Closet shopping for just the right blouse. I’m grateful because I get phone calls after connecting a participant to a professional in the community for coffee. I’m grateful because people invest in our participants.
Although Kentucky weather is known for being unpredictable, it was surprising to have to wait until mid-October to finally feel the fall breeze. The Downtown campus at Family Scholar House welcomed it with open arms at the Fall Festival hosted by Revolution Church.
At Family Scholar House, we afford every child the opportunity to experience safe, fun activities, like trick-or-treating. In order to provide the same opportunities, we need the help of volunteers like you! Reverse Trick-or-Treating allows every family to participate as a family. We recruit volunteers to walk door to door, passing out candy to our FSH kids.
Family Scholar House was my answer. Some days are still difficult but with a strong support system & my daughter as my motivation, I know I can achieve my goals.
Check Out This Recipe Our Families Learned in Cooking Class with Chef Nancy!
Published on September 10, 2019
Enjoy with tortilla chips and raw veggies such as baby carrots and jicama, cucumber, squash and pepper slices!