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Displaying blog posts from the "FSH Stories" category.

A Time for Thanks

Published on November 17, 2020

November is a time for giving thanks. We want to take the time to say “thank you” to our incredibly supportive community here in Louisville. On November 3, we were so fortunate to have a volunteer group from Brown-Forman spend the day with us at our Stoddard Johnston Scholar House campus. They took on numerous projects to add to the beauty of our campus. They landscaped and mulched our playgrounds, painted our multi-purpose courts and parking lots, provided and assembled new picnic tables and benches, and brought new life to our children’s stage and play area. In addition to all of that, they provided every resident a casserole and pantry bag.

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Why We Volunteer

Published on October 16, 2020

At Family Scholar House, our volunteers make our mission statement a reality for so many families, and we absolutely could not accomplish that without them. Lisa Dahlem and her daughter, Kate, are two of our outstanding volunteers that have served our FSH community for years. We recently interviewed Lisa to learn more about why she chose to serve our organization so many years ago, and what it is that keeps her coming back to this day.

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Mom and Daughter Scholars

Published on September 29, 2020

Last week, we had the opportunity of interviewing five-year-old Taylor, one of our little scholars. This year was a big year for Taylor and she started kindergarten with JCPS. While the school year looks very different, Taylor’s enthusiasm for school is ever present. Taylor is outgoing and very talkative, sharing with us some fun facts about herself, her school, and her family.

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Published on September 9, 2020

We are fortunate to partner with the Homeless and Housing Coalition of Kentucky. Through this partnership we serve as a placement site for AmeriCorp and VISTA members. These talented individuals dedicate a year of service to our families, our agency and overall our community. Read below as Briana, recaps her first month as a member of the FSH team.

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How I Spent My Summer…

Published on July 23, 2020

Each summer we look forward to partnering with the SummerWorks program. In this post, Marie, one of our SummerWorks members, reflected back on her time with Family Scholar House.

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When Student Parents Rise, We All Rise. 

Published on July 13, 2020

“As a student-parent graduate of Family Scholar House, I was delighted to see the program that helped me complete my college degree while raising my son recognized as a 2020 Rise Prize winner. I wish every parent working to balance post-secondary education, work, and parenting responsibilities had a family like the one I found at FSH.”  These are the words of Tiffany Fitzpatrick, a 2020 graduate from the a University of Louisville and mother of Princeton, age 5. When student parents rise, we all rise.

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