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Displaying blog posts from the "FSH Stories" category.

One Thing That No One Can Take Away From You – Knowledge

Published on February 21, 2017

An FSH Participant reflects back on her journey.

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Coming Full Circle

Published on February 2, 2017

Helene Trager-Kusman, one of our Academic Advisors, shares a glimpse into her time at FSH.

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College Sweatshirt Fridays

Published on December 4, 2016

If you follow us on social media, you know that College Sweatshirt Fridays kicked off this past week. This tradition at Family Scholar House will continue over the next several months and we want YOU to join in the fun! But first… You might be wondering how College Sweatshirt Fridays started at Family Scholar House. Show your spirit! Wear the colors of the school you graduated from! Show your Cardinal Pride! These are all wonderful reasons to wear a college sweatshirt, but our reasoning is a tad different…

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I Am A Cancer Survivor & This Is Why I Love Nurses

Published on August 5, 2016

Two years ago today, August 5th, I received the troubling news that I had melanoma cancer. And so began an unknown, stressful, frightening and often painful adventure, one on which, I am so very glad, I was accompanied by attentive nurses. I love nurses. Anesthesiologists put me under; surgeons cut on me; oncologists evaluated me. Nurses tended to my nausea, monitored my chemo drug infusion, and calmed my soul. They attended to my whole self.

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I Am So Close to Achieving Everything

Published on May 25, 2016

Monday night, we celebrated 62 college degrees! Supporters of FSH, staff and our special families gathered to reflect on the accomplishments. Aleshia Thompson, a member of the Class of 2016, spoke to the crowd and we wanted to share her words with you below:

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From a Young Girl with a Dream – to a WOMAN with a VISION

Published on February 16, 2016

A few short weeks ago, our Board of Directors and Trustees gathered for the Annual Board Advancement. The theme for the Advance was Transformations, Danita Hunt- an FSH graduate spoke to those in attendance. We wanted to share some of her story.

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