Stay Up to Date with Family Scholar House!

Take a moment to browse our blog, including recent news stories, success stories, events, and more! Blog posts are sorted in chronological order by published date. Events may appear out of order on this page.

Family Scholar House is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible.

We Did It!

Published on May 11, 2018

A past FSH graduate and now Family Advocate for FSH, reflected back on her journey and those that helped her little family achieve their biggest dream!

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It Takes a Village

Published on March 19, 2018

Have you ever heard the old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child”? If you have spent any time on one of our campuses, attended a workshop or sat in on a family café night, you will see that old saying brought to life.

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On Demand Career Development

Published on February 19, 2018

How did you learn your professional skills? Did you have a mentor who took you under their work and taught you the ropes? FSH Participants are now experiencing this both in person and virtually!

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Why am I a Shoe Guy?

Published on January 15, 2018

Wine Women & Shoes 2018 is only a few weeks away – check out below to learn more about one of our faithful supporters, Ryan Edwards, Shoe Guy and 2017 King of Sole winner. In his own words, read why he is committed to Family Scholar House, our families and being an extraordinary Shoe Guy:

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Family Scholar House, a Place I Call Home

Published on November 28, 2017

At Family Scholar House, we get the unique opportunity to work with, not only the single-parent students but also their amazing children (the motivation behind the scenes, the reason our parents are striving for a better life for themselves and their children).

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Different… and Yet Also the Same

Published on November 6, 2017

The children’s room at Louisville Scholar House, gets a lot of love from our families. During orientations and workshops, you can always find little ones amusing and entertaining volunteers. Books are read and pictures are drawn and rocking horses and trains are played with.

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