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Displaying blog posts from the "FSH Stories" category.
Dear 2020 graduates, in a time of global pandemic and national civil unrest, it is easy to allow all the worry and stress to override the happy moments in life. I want to take just a minute to stop and celebrate one of those happy moments with you right now. Whether you completed an apprenticeship, certification, an associates degree, your bachelors, or your master’s I am so proud of the hard work each of you has put in to get to this point.
Seemingly overnight, COVID-19 turned our world upside down. Just a few months ago, we roamed the world freely without masks or gloves. We weren’t worried about being 6 feet apart or making others feel uncomfortable when you pass them in the grocery aisle. We lived our normal lives, the way we always have, and had no reason to think this virus could rock our world so severely.
In honor of National Service Recognition Day, AmeriCorps VISTA, Molly McGee, shares what her experience serving at Family Scholar House means to her.
Because so many are stuck at home, this is a great time to try out new recipes! Check out this Mexican Rice recipe by Chef Nancy.
Stuck in the house? Try making this recipe by Chef Nancy!
Earlier this week, we shared a desperate need for diapers on our Facebook page. Within no time, messages came flooding in, offering diapers or asking what else they could do to help. Despite our limited hours, we have had community members drop off donations, leave donations for pick up on their porch, and send in orders from Sam’s Club and Amazon. In the midst of crisis and uncertainty, our community has stepped in to take care of one another. We are so grateful.